Sea buckthorn oil exctraction

In this process the whole berry gets envolved where after with the help of CO2  fluid Sea buckthorn oil is separated from other fluids used for the extraction

Seabuckthorn oil is extracted from the seeds and peel of seabuckthorn, which contains very rich nutrients and hundreds of living substances that are very precious to the human body. Modern medical research shows that seabuckthorn oil has strong sterilization, pain relief, tissue regeneration promotion and anti-cancer effects, so it can be widely used in industries such as medicine, nutritional cosmetics and health food.

Sea buckthorn oil extraction process

The former Soviet Union is the first country in the world to develop and utilize seabuckthorn, and it is also the main producer of seabuckthorn oil, but the annual output of 100 tons is only 1/6 of the demand. Its production is extracted with organic solvents and non-toxic oils (such as refined sunflower oil).

In China, organic solvents are generally used, and extraction by pressing is also used. This type of production method has complicated process, low oil yield, or solvent residue, or low purity (the content of seabuckthorn oil by oil method is only 80%~90%), which affects its application.

Guidelines for Supercritical CO2 Fluid Extraction of Sea Buckthorn Oil

The technological process of using supercritical CO2 fluid to extract seabuckthorn oil is: seabuckthorn seed (pericarp)→pretreatment→supercritical CO2 fluid extraction→tertiary separation→seabuckthorn oil.

CO2 Extraction Technology of Seabuckthorn Oil

The supercritical CO2 fluid enters from the bottom of the extractor, passes through the crushed seabuckthorn seed (pericarp) layer, brings out the dissolved substances such as active ingredients, and enters three separators in turn, using different temperatures and pressures, in the three separators Seabuckthorn oil and water are obtained separately.

This CO2 extraction process can separate CO2 fluid from seabuckthorn oil and water better, and the oil yield can reach more than 90%.
Seabuckthorn oil is extracted by supercritical CO2 fluid extraction technology, which overcomes the problems existing in the existing extraction methods, and can obtain seabuckthorn oil with high quality and high yield.

Seabuckthorn is an important plant for windbreak and sand fixation. There are more than 10 million mu of wild seabuckthorn forest in China, which is the country with the richest seabuckthorn resources in the world. Seabuckthorn can be eaten, and more importantly, it can be used as medicine

Sea buckthorn is

Used not only for oil extraction but is also eatable right from the trea

Sea Buckthorn is a plant that produces berries as fruit. Well, all parts of the Sea Buckthorn plant from seeds to fruit have been used for medicinal purposes.

It is said that there are more than 200 types of nutrients contained in sea buckthorn berry along with antioxidants, and fatty acids. Among them, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E are main. In particular, vitamin A is a nutrient that is usually contained in animal foods. Fatty acids like Omega 3,6,7,9 are present. Yes, it also contains the Omega 7 fatty acid, palmitic acid and aspartic acid, which is often found in animals. Omega 7 is quite rare to find in some fruits. Sea buckthorn fruit is the rarest fruit.

  • In all, it contains 18 kinds of amino acids, iron, potassium, calcium and dietary fiber.

Sea Buckthorn is characterized by various nutrients that are used for heart health, type 2 diabetes, skin problem, skin infection, inflammation, joint pain, depression and many more.

Sea Buckthorn is famous in the cosmetic world. Sea buckthorn benefits to support anti-ageing properties as well as healing from sunburn.

Sea buckthorn oil has been used in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries.

The oil is mainly extracted from berries, leaves, and seeds of the sea buckthorn plant (Hippophae rhamnoides), which is found in the Himalayas. The main nutrients responsible for its health benefits include vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, sea buckthorn oil has been found beneficial in lowering cholesterol, strengthening immunity, and helping with a wide range of other health conditions.

Here are the top 11 benefits of sea buckthorn oil.

1. Improves heart health

Sea buckthorn oil may be beneficial in promoting heart health due to the following nutrients:

  • Phytosterols, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that protect the body from damage and disease
  • Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which may have the following benefits:
  • Quercetin, which may help lower the risk of heart disease

One study suggested that taking 0.75 mL of sea buckthorn oil daily may help reduce blood pressure levels in people with hypertension along with total and bad cholesterol levels.

2. Boosts the immune system

Sea buckthorn oil has a high concentration of flavonoids, which are antioxidants that can strengthen your natural defenses against viruses, bacteria, and other disease-causing organisms.

Some animal and test-tube studies have reported that sea buckthorn oil has shown activity against influenza virus and herpes virus. Sea buckthorn oil has shown similar activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. However, more human studies are needed to come to a strong conclusion.

3. Promotes liver health

Sea buckthorn oil may boost liver health due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. These substances protect liver cells from damage caused by hepatotoxins. Hepatotoxins are substances that can contribute to liver damage and include alcohol, painkillers, and carbon tetrachloride.

Flavonoids present in sea buckthorn oil may also reduce fatty deposits in the liver. In an animal study, sea buckthorn oil was shown to cause a significant reduction in liver enzymes that may be elevated with liver damage. However, more human studies are required to determine the efficacy of sea buckthorn oil in promoting liver health.

4. Protects brain health

Due to the high levels of antioxidants such as carotenoids, sterols, and polyphenols, sea buckthorn oil may help reduce plaque deposition in the neural pathways and reverse the effects of dementia. Antioxidants protect against damage to the brain cells caused by free radicals and inhibit the degeneration of nerve cells, preventing or slowing cognitive impairment.

5. May have anti-cancer effects

Quercetin, one of the antioxidants in sea buckthorn oil, has powerful cancer-fighting properties. Other antioxidants such as flavonoids and vitamin E can also help combat cancer cells.

Animal studies have suggested that sea buckthorn oil may reduce the damage of RBCs during chemotherapy, as well as prevent the spread of cancer cells. However, more human studies are needed to come to a strong conclusion.

6. May reduce blood sugar levels

Sea buckthorn oil may be effective in preventing diabetes and maintaining steady blood sugar levels.

In one animal study, sea buckthorn oil was shown to help regulate insulin levels and insulin sensitivity. Another study reported that drinking 3 ounces of sea buckthorn fruit puree daily for 5 weeks reduced fasting blood sugar levels. This study was small in scale, however, and further large-scale studies are needed to determine the effects of sea buckthorn oil on blood sugar levels.

7. Promotes wound healing

Sea buckthorn oil may promote wound healing by increasing blood flow to the affected area. Quercetin may accelerate wound healing by stimulating the production of collagen and skin cell repair.

Animal studies have shown that topical application of the oil to burns can significantly increase blood flow to the area, reducing pain and promoting healing. However, other studies have had conflicting results.

8. Treats digestive problems

Sea buckthorn oil may have the following effects on digestive health:

  • Helps treat stomach ulcers
  • Maintains healthy gut bacteria
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Lowers acidity levels in the gut

However, most of the studies done on sea buckthorn oil have been done on animals, and more human studies are needed to draw a strong conclusion.

9. May relieve menopause symptoms

Sea buckthorn oil may help relieve menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness or atrophy caused by low estrogen levels.

A double-blind study reported that women who took sea buckthorn oil daily for 3 months showed improvement in their symptoms, indicating a potential alternative for women who cannot tolerate estrogen treatment.

10. May improve vision

Beta-carotene breaks down into vitamin A in the body, which is essential for eye health. One study has linked the consumption of sea buckthorn oil with reduced eye redness and burning.

11. May improve hair texture

The presence of lecithin in sea buckthorn oil may reduce excessive oiliness in the scalp. It may also help restore hair elasticity and repair damage.

Where Sea buckthorn is harvested, Some interesting facts about Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is one of the few remaining plants with a long history, estimated to be around 70 million years old. In Greek mythology, it has been used for horses as horse's fodder to promote weight gain and good & shiny hair. This myth is also the origin of its Latin name - Hippophae rhamnoides L., which means it is “A tree that makes horses shiny”. It is listed as a regular Chinese in all the classic books of Tibet 1,300 years ago. Chinese used Sea Buckthorn for medical treatment from ancient times. Mostly it has been used for chronic infections like cold, cough, and may reduce the toxin from the lungs and body.

The majority of Sea Buckthorn plant's habitat is in northern Europe, China, Mongolia, Russia, and Canada.

1. Sea Buckthorn Berry Contains 8 Times the Vitamin C Levels of Oranges

While drinking a glass of orange juice is a great way to get a natural dose of vitamin C, the more exotic sea buckthorn berry is here to trump the most cultivated fruit in the world. The berry contains 400 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams, while oranges contain just 53 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams.

2. When Eaten Alone, the Berries are Extremely Sour

The bright yellow color of the sea buckthorn berry is enticing, but just like a bright yellow lemon, sea buckthorn berries are extremely tart. The berry is said to taste like a pineapple without any of the sweetness (hard to imagine, right?), so it’s more palatable with a little sugar added.

3. Sea Buckthorn Berry is the Third Highest Source of Vitamin E of all Plants

As a healing treatment for scars and burns, anyone would be smart to take a daily dose of vitamin E. So it’s good to know that sea buckthorn berries are one of the leading ways to get the same powerful vitamin.

4. This Berry Isn’t Just “Horsing Around”

Like all plants, sea buckthorn berries have a Greek botanical name: Hippophae L., which comes from the Greek word for horse. The horse reference isn’t just coincidence—ancient Greeks used to apply sea buckthorn oil to the coats of their horses to make their hair shiny and strong. This use still works today, as sea buckthorn seed oil can be used to moisten and strengthen dry or damaged skin and hair.

5. Russian Cosmonauts Use Sea Buckthorn Oil to Heal Burns

When astronauts re-enter the earth’s atmosphere, things get pretty heated. Even when wearing extremely protective suits, astronauts get radiation burns before landing their space shuttles. Hence, Russian cosmonauts use sea buckthorn oil to help those radiation burns heal more quickly.